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Toms College Prof. Joby on getting good job March 10, 2020 This video is made by Toms College Of Engineering, Mattakara and contains advice given by Toms College Professor Mr. Joby Joseph on how to get your dream job after your studies.Studying your textbooks and getting good grades for exams will only help you so much to get a good job.

What you really need are the requisite job skills. In a world where there is big competition among all sectors you should strive to get the skills to overcome the competition.

When you join for the first Year, a big door of opportunity opens for you. You should make good use of this opportunity and try and learn some of the most trending topics in your stream. For example If you are a computer science engineering student, learn more online topics from Udemy, Coursera, and EDX sites to learn more about current trends, such as machine learning, block chain, cloud computing, and quantum computing. Start with your own project and share with others the knowledge you get through the project. You also need to update your knowledge on sites like LinkedIn.

Also you must attend workshops, meet-ups and networking conferences. This should be updated regularly in your resume. Also, make sure that you discuss the project that you have done during the interview, so that they can evaluate your skills.If you consider all of these, it will help you achieve the position or job you want in the future.


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