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Computer Science & Engineering Laboratory

The Department has well-maintained modern laboratories with Linux and Windows Operating Systems to provide excellent practicing scope. The laboratories are connected with High Speed Broadband Service to provide an open learning environment to the student community.

The Department has the following well-equipped laboratories:

Data Structure Laboratory

Data structures lab enable the students to study about the importance of structure and abstract data type, and their basic usability in different applications. This lab provides capability to analyze and differentiate different algorithms based on their time complexity. It helps to implement linear and non-linear data structures using linked lists ,understand and apply various data structure such as stacks, queues, trees, graphs, etc. to solve various computing problems. It provides knowledge to implement various kinds of searching and sorting techniques, and decide when to choose which technique and helps to identify and use a suitable data structure and algorithm to solve a real world problem.

List of Experiments

  • Implementation of queue, dequeue and Circular queue using arrays.
  • Implementation of various linked list operations.
  • Implementation of stack, queue and their applications using linked list.
  • Implementation of trees using linked list
  • Application using trees.
  • Implementation of searching algorithms – linear search, binary search.
  • Implementation of BFS, DFS for each representation.
  • Implementation of Stack and Multiple stacks using one dimensional array
  • Simulation of first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocations.
  • Programming exercises using stack and subroutines.
  • Implementation of various string operations.
  • Implementation of sorting algorithms.
  • Implementation of binary trees using linked lists and arrays

Labs handled : Data structure Lab
Intel i3-processor
OS Installed :Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : GCC, PYTHON, LIBREOFFICE, JAVA
Faculty In charge : Asst. prof. Neethu Krishna

Electronic Circuits Laboratory

Electronics circuits lab enable the students to study and identify basic electronic components, design and develop electronic circuits ,design and demonstrate functioning of various discrete analog circuits. It also helps to familiarize with computer simulation of electronic circuits and how to use it proficiently for design and development of electronic circuits and understand the concepts and their applications in engineering.

List of Experiments

  • Forward and reverse characteristics of PN diode and Zener diode.
  • Clipping circuits- Transient and transfer characteristics.
  • Clamping circuits- Transient and transfer characteristics.
  • Simple Zener regulator- Line and load characteristics.
  • RC phase shift or Wien bridge oscillator using transistor.
  • Astable and Monostablemultivibrators using transistors.
  • Series voltage regulator – Line and load characteristics.
  • Astable and mono stable multivibrators using 555 Timer.
  • Inverting and non-inverting amplifier using op-amp IC741.
  • Instrumentation amplifier using op-amp IC741.
  • RC phase shift or Wien bridge oscillator using op-amp IC741.
  • Bridge Rectifier – with and without filter- ripple factor and regulation.
  • Simulation of simple circuitsusing any SPICE software.

This lab is equipped with 11 CROs from APLAB, 11 Function Generators from APLAB, 11 Dual DC Power Supplies from APLAB, 5 PCs, IC Tester, 1 Output meter, Voltmeters, Ammeters, Analog and Digital Multimeters, Rheostat and components including transistors, diodes,resistors, capacitors etc. Students use this lab for performing analog circuits experiments.

Faculty In charge: Asst. prof. Safna Sainudeen

Digital System Laboratory

Digital system lab is facilitated to acquire knowledge in the field of digital communication. Students will learn and understand the basics of digital electronics and able to design basic logic circuits, combinational and sequential circuits such as adders, subtractors , comparator, multiplexer/demultiplexer, encoder/ decoder, flip-flop, register, counter.

List of Experiments

  • Truth tables.
  • Demorgan’s laws
  • Half adder and full adder circuits
  • Half subtractor and full subtractor circuits.
  • Parallel adder circuit.
  • 4 bit adder/subtractor and BCD adder circuits.
  • 2 bit magnitude comparator circuit.
  • Design of code convertor circuits
  • BCD to excess 3 code, Binary to gray code
  • Multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits
  • Combinational circuits using multiplexer/demultiplexer ICs.
  • SR, D, JK, JK master slave and T flip flops.
  • Shift registers using flip flop.
  • Ring counter and Johnson counter using flip flop.
  • Asynchronous counters using flip flop.
  • Synchronous counters using flip flop ICs.
  • BCD to 7 segment decoder.
  • Half adder, Full adder using VHDL

This lab is used to conduct the experiments related to Digital Circuits and Logic Design, which ranges from the study of various logic gates to the design of various sequential and combinational circuits. This lab is equipped with Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Digital IC trainer kits, multiple power supplies etc. Students from various departments use this lab for performing various digital experiments.
Faculty In charge : Asst. prof. Radhi.S.Nair

Application Software Development Laboratory

Application software development lab enable the students to study about basic commands and operations on database. Students will be capable to acquire the generic software development skill through various stages of software life cycle. To make students familiar with DDL commands and DQL queries, RDBMS, SQL, Set operators, nested queries and Join queries, Design and implement a database, Develop medium-sized project.

List of Experiments

  • Database using DDL command and DQL queries
  • DML commands
  • Relationship between the databases.
  • Database to set various constraints.
  • SQL TCL commands.
  • SQL DCL.
  • Views and Assertions
  • Aggregate functions in SQL
  • Order By, Group By& Having clause.
  • Set operators, nested queries and Join queries
  • Various control structures using PL/SQL
  • Procedures and Functions
  • Packages
  • Database Triggers and Cursors
  • Various front-end tools and report generation.
  • Forms and Menus
  • Mini project

Intel i3-processor
OS Installed :Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : SQL,GCC, PYTHON, LIBREOFFICE, JAVA
Faculty Incharge: Asst.prof. Neethu Krishna.

Microprocessor Laboratory

Microprocessor lab enable the students to study about the assembly language programs for problem solving using software interrupts and various assembler directives ,interfacing of various I/O devices to the microprocessor/microcontroller through assembly language programming.

List of Experiments

  • Study of Assembler and Debugging commands.
  • Implementation of decimal arithmetic operations.
  • Implementation of String manipulations.
  • Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
  • Assembly Language Programming Experiments using 8086 Trainer kit.
  • Implementation of simple decimal arithmetic and bit manipulation operations.
  • Implementation of code conversion between BCD, Binary, Hexadecimal and ASCII.
  • Implementation of searching and sorting of 16-bit numbers.
  • Programming exercises using stack and subroutines.
  • Interfacing with stepper motor – Rotate through any given sequence.
  • Familiarization of 8051 trainer kit by executing Assembly Language programs
  • Implementation of stepper motor interfacing with 8251.
  • Implementation of Timer programming

Intel i3-processor
OS Installed : Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : GCC, Java, MASM
This lab is equipped with all the equipments for doing Software and hardware experiments with a microcomputer system. Assembly language programming, simple input/output interfacing, and interrupt processing in microcomputer systems can be done in this lab. Students can do miniproject and main project works in this lab. The lab is equipped with all the softwares and hard wares to do the projects.
Faculty In charge: Asst. prof. Safna Sainudeen

System Software Laboratory

The System software lab aims to build an understanding on design and implementation of different types of system software. To make students familiar with Linkers, Loaders, symbol table functions, macro processor, and assembler. System software lab enables students to learn different types of CPU scheduling algorithms, implement memory management-page replacement and deadlock handling algorithms.

List of Experiments

  • CPU scheduling algorithms.
  • File allocation strategies.
  • Different paging techniques of memory management.
  • File organization techniques
  • Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
  • Disk scheduling algorithms.
  • Replacement algorithms
  • Producer-consumer problem using semaphores.
  • Dining philosopher’s problem
  • Symbol table functions.
  • Pass one of a two pass assembler, Pass two of a two pass assembler
  • Single pass assembler
  • Two pass macro processor
  • Single pass macro processor.
  • Absolute loader
  • Relocating loader.
  • Direct-linking loader
  • Pass two of a direct-linking loader.
  • Simple text editor – insertion / deletion of a character, word, and sentence.
  • Suitable symbol table with hashing

Intel i3-processor
OS Installed : Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : GCC, PYTHON, LIBREOFFICE, JAVA
Faculty In charge: Asst.prof. Alby Alphonsa Joseph

Network Programming Laboratory

Network Programming Lab aims to provide students the knowledge about network related commands and configuration files in Linux Operating System. The lab is used to train the students to improve their programming knowledge and make experiments to get familiar with the Core Courses. The students will be able to develop operating system and network application programs and to analyze network traffic using network monitoring tools. Access to both offline and online Internet services is available.

List of Experiments

  • Basics of Network configurations files and Networking Commands
  • To familiarize and understand the use and functioning of System Calls
  • Familiarization and implementation of programs related to Process and thread.
  • Implement the Readers-Writers Problem.
  • Implement Inter Process Communication using PIPE, Message Queue.
  • Implement Client-Server communication using Socket Programming and TCP
  • Implement Client-Server communication using Socket Programming and UDP
  • Implement a multi user chat server using TCP.
  • Implement Concurrent Time Server application using UDP
  • Implement Distance vector routing protocol.
  • Implement for Link state routing protocol.
  • Implement Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
  • Develop concurrent file server which will provide the file requested by client if it exists.
  • Data transfer in client server communication using UDP
  • Three Way Handshaking Connection Establishment, Data Transfer and Three Way
  • Handshaking Connection Termination in client server communication using TCP.
  • Develop a packet capturing and filtering application using raw sockets.
  • Design and configure a network with multiple subnets with wired and wireless LANs
  • Install network simulator NS-2 in any of the Linux operating system and simulate wired and wireless scenarios.

Intel i3-processor
OS Installed : Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : GCC, Java
Faculty Incharge: Asst. prof. Alby Alphonsa Joseph

Compiler Design Laboratory

Compiler Design laboratory course is intended to make the students experiment on the basic techniques of compiler construction and tools that can used to perform syntax-directed translation of a high-level programming language into an executable code. Students will design and implement language processors in C by using tools to automate parts of the implementation process. This will provide deeper insights into the more advanced semantics aspects of programming languages, code generation, machine independent optimizations, dynamic memory allocation, and object orientation.

List of Experiments

  • Implement lexical analyzer
  • Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories
  • Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC
  • Convert the BNF rules into YACC form and write code to generate abstract syntax tree
  • Write program to find ε-closure of all states of any given NFA with ε transition.
  • Write program to convert NFA with ε transition to NFA without ε transition.
  • NFA to DFA Conversion
  • DFA minimization
  • Develop an operator precedence parser for a given language.
  • First and Follow of any given grammar.
  • Construct a recursive descent parser for an expression.
  • Construct a Shift Reduce Parser for a given language.
  • Loop unrolling.
  • Constant propagation.
  • Implement Intermediate code generation for simple expressions.
  • Implement the back end of the compiler
    Intel i3-processor
    OS Installed : Ubundu 18.04
    Application Software’s : GCC, Java
    Faculty Incharge: Asst. prof. Alby Alphonsa Joseph
Project Laboratory

Project laboratory is special and well equipped with the latest configuration Machines. Guidance’s are provided to the students by a team of faculty experts and lab programmer. The labs are kept open after the college hours to help the students to engage themselves in getting practiced with Laboratory experiments in their leisure hours. The lab is used to train the students to improve their programming knowledge and make experiments to get familiar with the Core Courses. Access to both offline and online Internet services is available.
Project Lab enable the students to think innovatively on the development of components, products, processes or technologies in the engineering field. The students will be able to apply knowledge gained in solving real life engineering problems.

List of Experiments

  • In depth study of the topic assigned in the light of the preliminary report prepared in the seventh semester.
  • Review and finalization of the approach to the problem relating to the assigned topic
    Preparing a detailed action plan for conducting the investigation,including team work.
  • Detailed Analysis/Modelling/Simulation/Design/Problem Solving/Experiment as needed.
  • Final development of product/process, testing, results, conclusions and future directions.
  • Preparing a paper for Conference presentation/Publication in Journals, if possible
  • Preparing a report in the standard format for being evaluated by the dept. assessment board.
  • Final project presentation and viva voce by the assessment board including external expert

Faculty In charge : Asst. prof. Alby Alphonsa Joseph

Free And Open Source Software Laboratory

Free and open source software lab aims to build an understanding various Linux commands. To make students familiar with Shell Programming, packet management, PHP, Perl ,Awk. FOS lab enable the students to use open source packages in open source platform. Develop shell scripts and GUI for specific needs, Use tools like GIT, and Perform basic level application deployment, kernel configuration and installation, packet management and installation

List of Experiments

  • Linux basic commands for directory operations
  • Linux commands for redirection, pipes, filters, job control, changing ownership/permissions of files/links/directory.
  • Advanced linux commands
  • Shell Programming –CPU information
  • Shell script to show various system configurations like
  • Write a shell script – menu driven calculator
  • Version Control System setup and usage using GIT.
  • Packet management system.
  • Simple text processing using Perl, Awk.
  • Running PHP
  • Virtualisation environment
  • Compiling from source
  • Kernel configuration, compilation and installation :
  • GUI Programming
  • Installing various software packages.
  • Configuring services such as gateway, DNS, IP tables

OS Installed :Ubundu 18.04
Application Software’s : GCC, JAVA, Perl, PHP, Awk, GIT

Faculty Incharge: Asst.prof. Neethu krishna

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